Chef Dominique Crenn poses in an Air France flight
Dominique Crenn-Photo: Eliot Blondet for Air France

In a sea of celebrity chefs, Dominique Crenn soars, bringing her artistry to a new collaboration with Air France.

She is the first female chef to earn three Michelin stars in the United States, a James Beard Award winner, and the recipient of the World’s 50 Best “Icon Award.” Born in France, she credits her parents for instilling a love of fine dining from an early age. Yet it wasn’t until she moved to San Francisco in 1988 that Crenn began her path to (Michelin) stardom. 

From San Francisco to Paris to a uniting bridge 40,000 feet in the air, read about five ways to experience Dominique Crenn’s culinary talents for yourself–in my latest article for GayCities.

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